Attu Project Formatting Guide ----------------------------- A line beginning with "&&&" indicates the start of a new article. A line beginning with # indicates a title-level heading. A line beginning with ## indicates a heading, ### indicates a subheading, and so on and so forth. Any sequence enclosed in double curly braces represents a template. Templates of the form {{q#}} indicate article quality on a scale from 0 to 4. Templates of the form {{t#}} indicate article theme: {{ta}} -- Authors and meta-aspects of the Attu Project {{tc}} -- Characters {{td}} -- Documents or other written works {{tg}} -- Geographic regions {{tl}} -- Locations {{to}} -- Overview {{tr}} -- Religion {{ts}} -- Sovereign states Bold text is indicated with triple quotes '''#'''. Italic text is indicated with double quotes ''#''. Infoboxes begin and end with and tags respectively. Images can be inserted with tags. By default, images are displayed at their original size. Tables begin and end with and
tags respectively. Each row of the table is a new line. To insert a line break into a table cell, use
in its place. Table cells are surrounded by pipes (|), e.g.: | Row 1 | Item 1 | | Row 2 | Item 2 |
Text in tables and infoboxes behaves in the same way as outside of tables and infoboxes. ----------------------------- Style Guide Infoboxes: - Data fields should be in bold - If and only if the record has multiple lines, the field should end with a colon ----------------------------- &&& Agreement # Agreement {{q2}}{{tl}} # Agreement '''Country''' [[Haute eee]] '''Regency''' [[Agreement Regency\Agreement]] '''Population''' 440 000 '''Agreement''' is a city in [[Haute eee]]. It was incorporated on 3-9 400 TT as a result of the union of Bahnoor and Laspir il. ## Geography Agreement is located on the Agreement Land Bridge, within the [[Hautean Mountain Range]]. ## History ### Settlement of Laspir il Prior to its settlement, the Agreement Land Bridge was the only habitable piece of land in the Hautean Mountain Range. In 1414 TT, a group of 150 dZumiyan settlers headed east through the mountain range in search of new land to settle. By 1398 TT, this group had begun constructing the first buildings of Laspir il. The isthmus's planarity and fertile soils allowed rapid population growth in the area. By 1363 TT, the population of Laspir il had exceeded 2500. ### Post-Calm #### Agreement Agreement The [[Agreement Agreement]] was signed on 22-1 5 PC. ## Demographics {{TBA}} ## Economy {{TBA}} ## Transport {{TBA}} &&& Agreement Agreement # Agreement Agreement {{q0}}{{td}} &&& Akaria # Akaria {{q0}}{{ts}} &&& Attu Archipelago # Attu Archipelago {{q0}}{{tg}} &&& Attu Project &&REDIRECT Main &&& Broom Committee # Broom Committee {{q0}}{{ta}} The '''Broom Committee''' is a bunch of scrubs who deserve to be killed for messing with the lore. &&& Casea &&REDIRECT Caseic Federation &&& Caseic Federation # Caseic Federation {{q0}}{{ts}} &&& Death # Death {{q0}}{{tr}} &&& DervotNum4 # DervotNum4 {{q0}}{{ta}} # DervotNum4 '''Alias''' Dervot '''Titles:''' * Co-founder of the [[Attu Project]] * Member of the [[Doom Committee]] * [[Leader]] of [[Akaria]] '''DervotNum4''' (also known as '''Dervot''') is one of the co-founders of the [[Attu Project]]. &&& Doom Committee # Doom Committee {{q1}}{{ta}} # Doom Committee '''Founded''' 28 July 2022 '''Responsibilities:''' * Managing the Attu Project * Determining the passage of time in the Attu Project The '''Doom Committee''' is a mysterious collaboration of the darkest minds in the universe. They manage the [[Main\Attu Project]]. ## Members * [[DervotNum4]] * [[Yainsley]] * [[ILikeGoose]] ## History The Doom Committee was founded on TBA. They used time voting until TBA, when they changed because of [[MtPenguinMonster]]'s absence. {{TBA}} &&& Drummification # Drummification {{q2}}{{tr}} '''Drummification''' is an [[Akaria\Akarian]] traditional practice wherein [[Death\deceased]] Akarians are converted into a drum or other precussion instrument. &&& eee # eee {{q0}}{{tg}} '''eee''' is an island in the east of the [[Attu Archipelago]]. It is home to several nations: * [[Akaria eee]] * [[Goose Step eee]] * [[Haute eee]] * [[Sio eee]] &&& Harakar Oken # Harakar Oken {{q0}}{{tc}} &&& Haute eee # Haute eee {{q0}}{{ts}} '''Haute eee''' is a country on the island of [[eee]] in the east of the [[Attu Archipelago]]. It's where [[Agreement]] is. &&& Hautean Mountain Range # Hautean Mountain Range {{q0}}{{tg}} &&& ILikeGoose # ILikeGoose {{q0}}{{ta}} '''ILikeGoose''' (also known as '''Goose''') is a member of the [[Doom Committee]]. &&& Leader # Leader {{q0}}{{ta}} In the [[Attu Project]], a '''leader''' is a real-life person who is responsible for the events and actions that occur on their island. &&& List of Sovereign States # List of Sovereign States {{q2}}{{to}} ## Current * [[Akaria]] * [[Haute eee]] * [[Utlia]] ## Historical &&& Main # What is the Attu Project? {{q1}}{{ta}} The '''Attu Project''' is a collaborative worldbuilding project that began on 28 July 2022. Its official website is at This website was a temporary side project from before the official site was established. &&& Main_old # What is the Attu Project? {{q1}}{{to}} The '''''Attu Project''''' is a collaborative worldbuilding project controlled and maintained by the [[Doom Committee]]. It started on 28 July 2022. Haute eee '''Coming soon:''' A better interactive map of the [[Attu Archipelago]] ## Islands * [[Akaria]] * [[Casea]] * [[eee]] * [[Kel-Elemi]] * [[Niueyjar]] * [[Nongba]] * [[Utlia]] ## Lists * [[List of Sovereign States]] &&& MtPenguinMonster # MtPenguinMonster {{q0}}{{ta}} '''MtPenguinMonster''' is a contributor to the [[Attu Project]]. &&& Sio eee # SiƓ eee {{q0}}{{ts}} &&& Syncretism # Syncretism {{q0}}{{tr}} &&& Yainsley # Yainsley {{q0}}{{ta}} '''Yainsley''' is one of the co-founders of the [[Attu Project]], and is the [[leader]] of [[eee]].